woensdag 25 juli 2012

I Am Sentimental

Genuine puppy love. They will be together again soon.

Ik kon het niet laten.  Zon of geen zon, ik heb gisteren toch nog even de film Shadows in the Sun bekeken.  Ik kon de mooie kleuren, de geweldige landschappen, de grappige dialogen en de romantische slotscène in een poëtische klaprozenveld niet weerstaan.  Ik was die ontroerende muziek in deze scène vergeten te vermelden gisteren.   
Ik bedoel 'Io che amo solo te' een romantisch, Italiaans liefdeslied uit de jaren zestig dat werd gezongen door Sergio Endrigo.  Zegt het niet alles ? Ja, ik geef het toe : 'I am sentimental.' *

Io che amo solo te - Sergio Endrigo

I, Who Love Only You (English translation of 'Io che amo solo te)

There are people who have had a thousands things
Everything good, everything bad in the world
And I have had only you
And I won't lose you
I won't let you go
To look for new adventures

There are people who love a thousands things
And are lost on the streets of the world
I, who love only you
I will stop myself
I will give you this
What remains of my youth

I have had only you
I won't lose you
I won't let you go
To look for new illusions

Come rain or shine, I just had to watch the movie Shadows in the Sun again yesterday.  I couldn't resist the beautiful colors, the gorgeous scenery, the funny dialogs and the romantic end scene in a poetic poppy field.  I forgot to mention the moving music in this scene.  It gets to me every time.
I mean 'Io che amo solo te' a romantic, Italian love song from the sixties sung by Sergio Endrigo.  Doesn't this song say it all ?  Yes, I admit it : 'I am sentimental.' *

Io che amo solo te - Sergio Endrigo. Click here.

* Funny line from the movie Intolerable Cruelty.

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